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Followers 46
- Birthday:
- Oct 7, 1961 (Age: 63)
- Home Page:
- http://www.facebook.com/kimberlyfogg
- Location:
- Indian Trail, NC
- Occupation:
- I want a job. I need a vacation!!!!!
Fuck off, I don't care!!!, 63, from Indian Trail, NC
- imonlyhuman was last seen:
- Nov 10, 2015
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- Birthday:
- Oct 7, 1961 (Age: 63)
- Home Page:
- http://www.facebook.com/kimberlyfogg
- Location:
- Indian Trail, NC
- Occupation:
- I want a job. I need a vacation!!!!!
I'm just someone doing my best to make it in this crazy world
Animals, Camping, GardeningInteract
The Outlaws---Thank You!!!!!!!!Talk to the hand because I don't give a damn anymore.My inside camera
http://ww.com/spittenkittenMy porch camerahttp://ww.com/spittenkitten2009