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Worst Rock and Roll Band

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by wossa, Feb 14, 2002.

  1. bunkyboy

    bunkyboy Guest


    Devo was/is the Bomb. New Tradionalist and Freedom of Choice are two of the all time best.
  2. I can tolerate G n' R. Their late stuff became a little too mainstream, but their first album, Lies was pretty decent. Regardless, Axel was/is a arrogant prick.

    Not sure I'd clasify them as Rock and Roll, but I absolutely detest Sting/The Police. I know he has a huge following but I've never been able to stand his music.
  3. chuckrichey

    chuckrichey they're back!

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002

    roooooooooooooxanne,you don't have to put on the red light!!!!!
  4. bunkyboy

    bunkyboy Guest

    wow, my photo got deleted!?!
  5. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream

    no, wherever you were linking it from wont allow it.

    just save it to your hard drive, then upload it here. :)
  6. Thanks Chuck, you couldn't have possibly picked out a song by them I hate more than that one. :eek: Of course, without it, I'm not sure WRFX (99.7) would have a play list. :D
  7. Piper

    Piper Guest

    Worst Rock and Roll?

    Bad Company gives me hives.

    Flock of Seagulls, and yes, hair metal bands rocked...not.

    Anything from Yes after Bruford left.

    Phil Collins (perhaps the most annoying old fart), includig all post Gabriel Genises.

    Limp Bitzcut and all that crap. RATM is the only rap metal band I ever liked.
  8. BigMark

    BigMark Guest

    Wasn't Appetite for Destruction before GNR Lies? Appetite is one of the best rock albums of all time (top 20 or so, I'd say)
  9. Yep, you're right BigMark. :eek: Appetite was released in 1987, while Lies came out in 1989. Lies sounds just so much more "raw" than Appetite and for some reason I thought it was an earlier release. Appeitite was much more mainstream, whereas the only track off of Lies to get any airtime was Patience. Love "One In A Million."

    Kind of amazing how big G N' R was there for a while. In the early 90's, I saw Metallica actually open up for G N' R in Columbia, SC. Great show, but that's when Metallica turned into a bunch of wusses, playing "radio" music. :D

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