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Artist you just don't get the appeal?

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by PantherPaul, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Guest

    Lets take this a little further. I started with Eminem as a current artist I just don't understand the appeal. Who else is famous but you just don't get the mass appeal. I never liked Bob Dylan and he is widely considered a musical genius. I think he is a whiney bastard. Neil Diamond is another.
  2. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Well you beat me to Neil Diamond... here are a few more to add to the :barf: list...

    - Barbara Strisand (sp)
    - Any Country Stars (Except the hot babes)
  3. Celine Dion
    NSync/Backdoor Boys
    Britney Spears
  4. lex

    lex Guest

    m & m?

    eminem? i think you have to be young to get him. :rolleyes:

    nope, age got nothing to do with this... mags dont either. he's young.

    it's just a matter of taste. people are buying his stuff.

    anne murray. she has a lovely voice. but i cant listen to a lot of her stuff. not unless i want to slit my wrist or somethin.
    :( kidding!
  5. voyergirl

    voyergirl Guest

    alice cooper, that isn't even music is it?
  6. TW1GGY

    TW1GGY Do you scream??

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    The Island of Misfits Toys
    now Alice Cooper I understand. His following was more than his music. For the time he really pushed people a different way to think about music. "Shock Rock" is kind of like a horror movie on stage. Even if you don't like his music you just have to understand how diffrenent of an approach he had to music making. He made the way for band like Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Rob Zombie and many other bands that like to shock you. And no matter what anybody else says "It's all just a show"..

    A band I never understood the hype from was the Clash. I just am not a big fan of their style of punk.. Just can't ever get into them.
  7. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Guest

    WHat about Frank Zappa

    He was out there
  8. Piper

    Piper Guest

    Re: WHat about Frank Zappa

    Man. I love Zappa. And the Clash. Damn guys.
  9. gutter

    gutter Ruud Van Nistilroy

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    East Los Santos
    System of a Down

    I never thought they would make it big. They are too quirky, different, and heavy for the radio crowd to pick up on. However, I am now sick of the two releases off of Toxicity. I wanted them to be huge underground and be my band that no one else knows. But oh well...
  10. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    actually, that's why I like what I do like of System.
    Straight metal bores me to no end.
    I adore Zappa.

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