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This Board Rocks has been moved to a new domain: CarolinaPanthersForum.com
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Most of the content is here, as well. Except that the Preps Forum has been split off to its own board at: http://www.prepsforum.com
Welcome to the new Carolina Panthers Forum!
Followers 2
- Birthday:
- Oct 30, 1977 (Age: 47)
- Home Page:
- http://www.tuckermax.com
- Location:
- Culver City, CA
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Fast Cars, Fast ComputersInteract
- AIM:
- KrackMnkysNick
- Yahoo! Messenger:
- That1GuyNick
"Some god damn time, a man's due to stop arguin with hisself...feelin he's twice the fool he knows he is. Because he can't be something he tries to be every god damned day without once getting to dinner time and not fucking it up. I dont wanna fight it no more. Can you let me go to hell the way I want to?" -Wild Bill Hickock