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Dark Pump Rising

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Black&Black, Jan 11, 2015.

  1. Black&Black

    Black&Black Try My Product

    Likes Received:
    Feb 9, 2014
    From 3-8-1, to being down by 7 in the 4th quarter, at Seattle, in the divisional playoffs. It was going to end eventually, but I'm proud of how we went in there swinging. We ascended from the abyss, ruined Mike Smith, fought like champions, and ultimately, we died like men.

    Keep Pounding. Always Keep Pounding.

  2. Swag Newton

    Swag Newton Ball So Hard.

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2012
    That's the 1st thing you've said that wasn't batshit crazy..till the draft my friend
  3. Abusive

    Abusive Fuck yo blanket

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2007
    Loved every second of the Ice Bull run.

    Goddamn tough, physical ass team. Good shit.

    Fuck Mike Smith.
  4. Black&Black

    Black&Black Try My Product

    Likes Received:
    Feb 9, 2014
    Some thoughts on the morning after the season:

    - My major problem with the offense is the use of personnel. I like the running game. I think we averaged about 190 per game on the ground over our final seven games. That's good. Keep that part of it going. But it seems like we rotate players at WR and RB just for the sake of it, instead of consistently putting our best players on the field. Like putting DeAngelo in there for an entire series, or having a formation with only Bersin at WR. Stupid shit. And we continued using Olsen, by far our best receiver, as a pass protector.

    - Speaking of DeAngelo, it's obviously time to move on, but I appreciate everything he's done for us. Best RB we've had to date. The Double Trouble years were fun. I hope he stays with the organization in some capacity, and he will always a Panther in my book.

    - I don't think Josh Norman allowed a completion, did he? Baller. A lot of CBs have a good year and then end up back in the shit house, so stay humble and keep working. But I like this guy.

    - I love Mike Tolbert more than titties and barbeque and beer combined, but fuck his fat little hands for dropping that pass. :Cuss:

    - Aside from Bell, who completed one of the all-time worst seasons by a left tackle, I was very pleased with the progression of the offensive line, even going back to the Minnesota game. That said, I want more depth and more competition this offseason. For instance, who knows if Remmers is really the answer, or if he just looked good compared to the utterly overmatched Nate Chandler. I like Norwell. Turner is....meh, not bad I guess. Certainly appears better than where it was in October.

    - Same thought with the secondary. The stage appeared too big for the two rookies, although Bene got pushed off by Kearse, but hopefully they develop and learn from it. Boston was clearly better than DeCoud, which isn't saying much. Melvin White is atrocious and should only be used on special teams. Colin Jones is a scrappy white guy, which I like, but really shouldn't be counted on as more than a rotational player. And although I ended up appreciative of Harper's efforts down the stretch, he needs to pack up his things and leave town. So we need more viable depth, but some encouraging young players in the mix already.

    - The third linebacker spot might be worth upgrading a bit. Glanton looked overmatched tonight and Klein was almost invisible all year. But Kuechly and Davis...God Damn. I love Thomas Davis. Thomas Davis can fuck my wife in the asshole while screaming at me like a drill sergeant. He deserves the next statue.

    - Cam was alright, I guess. That's probably a defensive dynasty in the making we faced, albeit short one corner for most of the game. Cam is what he is. He's good. He's dynamic. He's inconsistent downfield. I guess you have to pay him. Fuck, I don't want to think about that right now. I just appreciated his effort this year. He was clearly hurt most of the season, and more importantly, I'm glad he's alive.

    - Philly Brown is useful, and Cotchery can move the chains on 3rd and medium. Neither guy is a starter, though. We need a better bookend to KB. Do it, you fat fuck.

    - Dwan Edwards and Colin Cole are underrated veterans, and I hope at least one of them is back for 2015.

    - I like the Seahawks. I hope they go on and repeat. It's a fun team to compete against and an incredible secondary to watch. They're the gold standard at the moment.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2015
  5. Malapoo

    Malapoo Full Access Member

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    Jan 8, 2003
    I didn't think we stood a chance against the Seahawks, I hoped and did think an upset was possible. I did turn it off when we were about to be down by two scores, but only because I knew this one would hurt the guys and I just couldn't watch their dream die.

    I hate Gettleman and Shula, and we certainly need help in many areas, but we've got some talent and a heck of a lot of fire, passion, scrappiness or whatever in that locker room.

    Thomas Davis, I am as proud to cheer for you as I was for Mr Mills, and if they let you go due to age or whatever, I just might line up a "fan seal team 6" to assassinate Fatty.

    Don't know what they'll do about Cam, when he's "on" he's amazing and it's hard to think anyone available would be better. But inconsistency, poor mechanics and vision are maddening. Would be tough to swallow a top ten contract.
  6. dig-it

    dig-it Wait'n On That Post Rookie Deal

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Concord, NC
    Their Kam was better than our Cam.

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