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Miami (OH) DC Punches Fan!

Discussion in 'College Football Forum' started by johndeerebrave, Nov 13, 2002.

  1. I didn't get a good look at it, but this kind of thing is very uncalled for. The defensive coordinator for Miami (OH) punched a fan and he hit his head on the turf, suffered a concussion, and had to be carted off on a stretcher and taken to the hospital. I agree that the Red Hawks were robbed of a win at Marshall, but this is just taking things a little too far. This came only two days after an attack similar to the one on Tom Gamboa (Royals first base coach) during a CFL football game. What is this world coming to? THe guy was put in jail, released on bond, but charged with battery. There goes his job! Perhaps these people should know about the mentally impaired football player who was allowed to score a touchdown! Very moving piece on SportsCenter.
  2. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Neat! Disciple of Buddy Ryan, fan of Woody Hayes.
  3. Ssstern

    Ssstern Guest

    The bottomline is that they should not let fans(read as drunks) on the field after the game. What other sport lets the fans rush the field after the game? Miami just lost a close game in the last seconds and although that doesn't justify the action, the defensive coordinator is the last guy I would taunted after the game.

    Packer had a great idea. College fans want to get on the field? Fine. Give the teams 10 minutes to leave the field and let them on. Problem solved.

    PS He'll probably lose his job because his defense let Marshall drive 75 yards in 1:50 to score the winning touchdown.
  4. gutter

    gutter Ruud Van Nistilroy

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    East Los Santos
    If you step your dumb ass onto the field you deserve to be punched. I just don't get how stupid people are when there team wins.
  5. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Guest

    Showing my age here but I remember when Mike Curtis (Duke or UNC alum ?) middle linebacker for the Baltimore Colts speared a fan when he came on the field during a game. Looked like a Rag Doll that got hit by a Randy Johnson fast ball.
  6. Shocker

    Shocker Guest

    Wish he wouldn't done dat shit to one of my boys. I would put my foot in his ace. Sucker punch'n a fan like dat. Fuck'n puck.

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